Marjory brifil
Boutique Leadership Development Firm

Men's Styling
A powerful look means living by the Rules of Power
Power is not random
Powerful people know what they are doing
They plan
They study
They associate themselves with other powerful people
Powerful people are bold
Powerful people are fearless
Powerful is no non-sense.
Powerful people know that there look matter
The Rules of Power
Send a message with your look
Create an “upscale” presence
Project “Authority”
Separate yourself from the crowd
Convey that you’re always ready to take charge
Wardrobe Assesment
Services provide a full detailed evaluation of your current wardrobe
Breakdown the 'yes', 'maybe' and 'absolutely not' of your closet
Assess each piece of clothing and create new looks with what you currently have
Demonstrate how to wear certain pieces
Assemble three separate stylish looks, (casual), (work) and (evening)