Marjory brifil
Boutique Leadership Development Firm

Image Roll-Out Strategy

Image is an incredible tool that can make quite an impression. I have always been told people believe in what they see initially. We are familiar with the term; “the first impression last impression “friends it true. People make a judgment within the first 20 seconds of meeting you. A decision is made on a subconscious level. Define and create a look is about how you feel on the inside, what message are you interested in conveying on the outside? Image is about having an effortless style that leaves everyone you encounter gasping and wondering who you are. The beauty of being distinctive among others is an incredible feeling.
I approach image as a creative process. Many crave an image change but don’t know what to do. Send a message with your look one, create an “upscale” presence and separate yourself from the crowd with one of my image roll-out services.
Here's what I offer:
Wardrobe Evaluation
Image Consultation
Online Styling
Closet Organization
Customized Image Plan
Defining Your Look
Distinct Shopping
Re-Organization Of Old Wardrobe

Image Roll-Out Services
Client Image Questionnaire must be completed prior to booking